
Hypnotherapy @ Seaside Studio

Trisa Hugo is is a Certified Hypnotherapist (CHyp). She studied through the International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP) and works in Kleinmond, Western Cape.

In addition, she has a BA Honours (Psychology) degree, and she is a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, and brings this expertise into her Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a type of treatment where different techniques are used to create an altered state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. Positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help individuals deal with a variety of issues.

Hypnotherapy is well known for treatment in habit breaking, smoking, phobias, stress related issues and pain relief. It is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety and panic attacks, insomnia and increasing confidence.

Hypnosis is not a once-off treatment. Generally, it takes four to eight sessions of hypnotherapy to work through the problem. It might require more or sometimes fewer sessions, depending on the nature of the problem.

Hypnosis is usually done with a one week interval between sessions, as the subconscious mind takes seven days (on average) to process the suggestions. It is quite normal to start experiencing the effects of the previous session, only after a few days.


First Online Consultation, including a 10 minute exercise – R100
Online Hypnosis sessions, typically 60 minutes – R300

What can you expect?

Most people can be hypnotized, although some are more suggestible than others.  All it takes is a willingness to participate, which will be discussed during the first consultation.

The process of hypnotherapy  is relaxing and safe. Most people do not need more than 4-6 sessions to resolve most issues permanently.

Online Hypnosis Sessions

I work online, typically from 20:00-21:00.


Ek wil graag vir jou laat weet van my uiters positiewe ervaring met ‘n Seaside Studio video van jou op YouTube. Ek ly aan hoë bloeddruk, maar met medikasie is dit al vir paar jaar normaal. ‘n Tyd gelede het ek onlekker gevoel, agterkom eks bietjie angstig (vermoed dis agv die covid situasie en geliefdes wat oorlede is ens) Neem toe ook weer my bloeddruk. Tot my skok kom ek agter dis beroerte hoog. Ek het toe besluit om na jou video oor spanning te luister. Ek doen dit nadat ek ‘n bloeddruk lesing met ‘n diastool van oor die 100 (165/110) geneem het, sommer so met die bloeddruk apparaat steeds aan my arm. Tot my absolute verbasing was my bloeddruk na daardie 10 minute se video normaal. Ek doen dit nou 2x per dag. En selfs met my bloeddruk wat nou weer normaal is, is die lesing telkens laer nadat ek na die video geluister het. Baie dankie! Dit is nou deel van my roetine 2x per dag.
– Ina H

Dankie! Dié tegniek werk al hoe beter hoe meer jy dit doen.
– Mariaan N

Free Self-hypnosis Video’s on YouTube

Luister na hierdie video’s so gereeld as wat nodig is. Hoe meer jy daarna luister, hoe makliker en vinniger kry jy resultate.

Regressie – PLR

hierdie is ‘n kort video om jou voor te stel aan Regressie. Dit is moontlik dat jy aspekte van vorige lewens kan ervaar as jy hierdie self-hipnose doen.

Moet asseblief nie ontnugter word of teleurgesteld voel as dit vir jou voel of niks gebeur nie. Luister gereeld na hierdie video, en wanneer jy dit die minste verwag, gaan jy flitse en beelde sien uit jou eie verlede.

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